
Weekly update – looking to the future

You find  me in my usual spot for writing these weekly updates. I have my window open and the wind is quite wild. I am relieved it is cooler today. I just had bacon butties for brunch.  I can hear my brother singing and playing the piano. Apart from that it all feels very calm. I am told I am quiet today. As regular readers know, I am never silent on my blog and it is great to reflect on the positives in my week.

To some extent my week has involved the usual mix of things since lockdown. I have eaten well with the usual mix of meals but also enjoyed raspberries and cream. Initially these were offered up with creme fraiche but I much prefer cream.

We watch television quite a lot and love to gather for the Daily Briefing. This gives us an opportunity to catch  up with developments and also to rant with  a fair degree of passion. We have also enjoyed soap operas, the Dad’s Army film, Darkest Hour and a documentary on Peter Sellers.

I finished the Girl Gone Greek book this week and am going to select a new one to ready today. Do I go for a saucy romp or something more thought-provoking?

I am sleeping OK give or take the interruptions of my new friend known as Hot Flush.

Parcels have arrived including a fantastic crochet kit to get me back to crafting. I also had new goodies from Bronnley including soap in a cute tin and an eau de toilette sampling kit with  6 wonderful scents. I have worked out that I love woody perfumes most of all. I am over the moon that a package from George at Asda is arriving earlier than expected as this includes new shoes and a reversible belt for my son. I love inspired ideas like the belt – how clever!

My brother had two crates of wine delivered. He also is happy to have a sprinkler as the grass was going brown with all the good weather we have had recently.

My eldest son now has 5 offers from universities. He has applied for student finance this week. I am pleased this has happened but quite ready to bemoan the lack of a proper grants system for education. However, it is a joy to see my son on a firm path to a future now through so much hard work and courage this year. I love watching him dance around pointing out that he has 5 offers whereas I only ever managed 3. We get on so well and love watching Netflix together and going for our walk.

Contact with the rest of the family is going well with WhatsApp and texting in particular working their magic.

I feel as if I am on the cusp of something great but for now we must wait and see.

What is keeping you smiling this week?


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My Random Musings
My Random Musings
Musings Of A Tired Mummy

Award-winning writer, blogger, social media consultant and charity campaigner. Social Media Manager for BritMums, the UK's largest parent blogging network Freelance clients include Firefly Communications and Save the Children UK. Works with brands on marketing projects. Examples include Visit Orlando, Give As You Live, Coca-Cola and Kodak. Cambridge Law graduate with many years experience working across three sectors in advice, media relations, events, training and project management. Available for hire at affordable rates.


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