
A Busy Mom’s Guide to Caring For Sore Feet

Bring the spa home to you and ease your tired, achy, hardworking feet

If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a lot of time on your feet, whether it’s chasing after little ones, running errands, or tackling household chores. But all that hustle and bustle can take a toll on our poor feet, leaving them sore and achy by the end of the day. 

As moms, we often put ourselves last on the priority list, but ignoring foot soreness can lead to bigger problems, like plantar fasciitis or tendonitis. And let’s face it—we can’t afford to be sidelined by foot pain when there are little ones to care for. 

Don’t worry, mama. I’ve got your back—or, should I say, your feet! There are plenty of easy and budget-friendly DIY solutions you can try at home to soothe those sore feet and keep them feeling fabulous. In the next few sections, we’ll dive into some techniques for relieving foot soreness that you can easily do at home. So, kick off those shoes, put your feet up, and let’s give those hardworking feet some love. 

Give Your Feet Some TLC With These DIY Foot Soaks & Baths

After a long day of juggling mom duties, there’s nothing quite like sinking your tired feet into a warm, soothing foot soak. Not only is it relaxing, but it can also work wonders for relieving foot soreness and rejuvenating your feet. Let’s talk about a couple of easy DIY foot soak recipes you can whip up right in your own kitchen.

Epsom Salk Soak

Epsom salt is like magic for tired feet. Not only will it help ease your muscle aches and pains, but it also works wonders for reducing inflammation and swelling. To make your own Epsom salt foot soak, simply fill a basin with warm water and add about half a cup of Epsom salt. Stir it around until it’s dissolved, then kick back and relax for about 15-20 minutes while your feet soak. 

Baking Soda Soak

Baking soda isn’t just for baking—it can also be a soothing ingredient for your sore feet. Thanks to its natural alkaline properties, baking soda can help to neutralize foot odor and soften rough, calloused skin. To create a baking soda foot soak, fill a basin with warm water and mix in about a quarter cup of baking soda. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a little extra aromatherapy bliss!

Herbal Foot Soak

For an extra indulgent treat, try an herbal foot soak! Steep some dried herbs, like lavender, chamomile, or peppermint, in a pot of hot water for 10-15 minutes, then strain the mixture and pour it into a basin with warm water. The water will relax your muscles while the aromatic herbs calm your mind and soothe your senses. 

Relieve Tension In Your Feet With A Massage

Picture this: you’ve finally settled down after a hectic day, and your feet are throbbing with exhaustion. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, mama, because I’ve got just the remedy for those tired, achy feet – a soothing foot massage! Not only is it a fantastic way to unwind, but it can also work wonders for easing tension and soreness in your hardworking tootsies.

When it comes to massaging sore feet, it’s essential to target key areas of tension and discomfort, such as the arches, heels, and toes. To start, use your thumbs to apply gentle pressure along the arch of your foot, working your way from the heel to the ball of the foot. Pay extra attention to any areas that feel particularly tight or sore, using circular motions to help release tension and improve circulation. Use your thumbs to massage each toe individually, starting at the base and working your way up to the tip. You can also gently stretch and wiggle your toes to help release tension and improve flexibility.

One of my favorite self-massage methods is using a tennis ball or frozen water bottle to roll under your feet. Simply place the ball or bottle on the floor and gently roll your foot over it, applying as much pressure as feels comfortable. This can help to massage and stretch the muscles in your feet, providing instant relief from soreness and fatigue.

Keep Your Feet Happy & Healthy With Foot Stretches

As we’re constantly on our feet, it’s so important to incorporate regular stretching and exercise into our routine to keep our feet from feeling stiff, sore, and achy. Let’s take a look at a few stretches you can do to keep your feet in tip-top shape. 

Toe Stretch

Toe stretches help to improve flexibility in the toes and can relieve tension in the feet after a long day.

  • Sit on the floor, extending your legs in front of you.
  • Reach and grab your big toe, gently pulling it back toward your body. 
  • Hold for about 15-30 seconds, release, and repeat on the other side. 

Calf Stretch

This stretch targets the calf muscles, which can become tight from walking or standing for long periods.

  • Stand facing a wall and rest your hands along for support. 
  • Take a step back with one foot and press your heel into the ground while keeping your back leg straight.
  • Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the calf of your back leg. 
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds, release, and repeat on the other side. 

Arch Roll

This exercise helps to stretch and massage the muscles and fascia on the bottom of the foot, promoting flexibility and relieving soreness.

  • While sitting in a chair, place a tennis ball under one foot.
  • Roll the ball back and forth under your foot while applying gentle pressure.
  • Pay special attention to any areas that feel tight.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Ankle Circles

Ankle circles help to improve mobility in the ankles and can reduce stiffness and soreness.

  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
  • Lift one foot and rotate your ankle in a circular motion clockwise. 
  • Do this for several repetitions and then switch to counterclockwise rotations. 
  • Repeat on the other foot. 

Essential Tips To Care For Your Feet

It’s crucial to prioritize foot health to ensure we can keep up with our daily responsibilities. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain happy and healthy feet day in and day out:

  • Wear quality shoes – One of the best things you can do for your feet is to invest in supportive footwear. Look for shoes that provide adequate arch support and cushioning to help distribute pressure evenly and reduce the risk of soreness and injury.
  • Add supports and cushioning – Adding an insole for your heels or arch supports can add an extra layer of comfort to your shoes and alleviate some foot soreness, too. Think about where your foot pain tends to be, and find cushioning or inserts made to target that specific area of your foot. 
  • Practice good foot hygieneKeeping your feet clean and dry is essential for preventing issues like athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. Wash your feet daily with soap and water, making sure to dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. Wear clean socks made of breathable materials like cotton or moisture-wicking fabrics to help absorb sweat and prevent odor.
  • Mind your toenail lengthTrim your toenails regularly using clean, sharp clippers. Cut your toenails straight across to avoid ingrown nails or nail trauma. 
  • Listen to your body – While home remedies like foot soaks, massages, and stretches can provide temporary relief, persistent or worsening foot pain may indicate an underlying issue that requires professional attention. Don’t hesitate to seek help from a healthcare provider if you experience chronic foot pain, swelling, numbness, or difficulty walking.


When slowing down isn’t always an option, you need to do what you can to keep you on the go. By following these simple yet effective tips for caring for your feet and easing your pain, you can make sure your feet stay happy and healthy enough to keep up with the demands of mom life with ease. So, take care of those hardworking feet—they carry you through every step of every day!

Award-winning writer, blogger, social media consultant and charity campaigner. Social Media Manager for BritMums, the UK's largest parent blogging network Freelance clients include Firefly Communications and Save the Children UK. Works with brands on marketing projects. Examples include Visit Orlando, Give As You Live, Coca-Cola and Kodak. Cambridge Law graduate with many years experience working across three sectors in advice, media relations, events, training and project management. Available for hire at affordable rates.

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